My journey!

"I did not give you a voice so that you could be silent!"
Every time I feel impressed to say something in a discussion at church and don't, every time I could comment on something a co-worker says by sharing a scripture or personal testimony and don't, every time I don't speak up about something amazing God has done in my life, that phrase enters my thoughts and I know, without a doubt, it is God saying it. Know how I know it's God and not just me thinking it? Because it's not thought in a critical, disappointed, angry, frustrated, belittling way. It's more like a loving reminder, gently guiding me toward who I am supposed to be and what I'm supposed to be doing. It's supportive and encouraging, and kind, and positive and not at all the way I talk to myself.

In an effort to become more comfortable with actually vocalizing my thoughts, I've decided to start this blog and first get really comfortable with just sharing my thoughts. Each post will refer to God and Jesus and will contain scripture as well as my experiences and feelings and thoughts about God, Jesus, Church, scripture, etc. since, after all, this is my spiritual journey.

I also love movies, t.v., music, and books and frequently discover nuggets of inspiration in them that I will most likely share here.

Monday, July 7, 2014

The Only Thing We Have To Fear...

I had a bit of a meltdown yesterday. I spent most of the first half of the day in tears. I was just fine when I first woke up then, not even an hour later, as I sat in my room to start getting ready for church, I just lost it. I started crying, pouring my frustrations out to God. Letting Him know that I'm tired of everything having to be such a fight, that I'm weary from being continually surrounded by negativity. I asked Him why everything always has to be so hard and told Him that I just can't do this anymore. At one point I even referenced scripture at Him and said, “You said that your yoke is easy, that your burden is light, but there is absolutely nothing easy or light about this!” (Matthew 11:28-30 KJV says: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.)

As I sat there frantically ranting about my frustrations the gentle voice of the Lord spoke to me (as I've said before, I know it wasn't just me giving myself a pep talk because I'm not that nice in my thoughts to or about myself) and said “Quit putting on the yoke and trying to pull it yourself. Let me help you.” (Just in case you don't know, a yoke is the thing they put over a team of oxen to pull a wagon or plow.) Well, as you can imagine, at that point I just completely broke down and was crying so hard I couldn't even form a coherent thought let a lone a response. So, as I sat there sobbing uncontrollably, I heard that same gentle voice say a quote from my new favorite T.V. Show, Downton Abbey from my favorite character, Mr. Carson (and that's all I'm going to say about the episode because my sister has just started watching and if I say anything more it will be a big ol' spoiler), “You have a good cry. That's what's needed now. And when you're ready, you can get to work because you are strong enough. You are strong enough for the task.”

I pulled myself together and go ready for church and then saw the two scripture stickers I have on the cover of my laptop. Isaiah 40:31 KJV “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” and, Isaiah 41:13 KJV “For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.” Feeling better, I was able to finish getting ready and head out the door to church.

Of course, the enemy couldn't let that be the end of it. He wormed his way in there with all the doubts and questions. All the “what if's” that don't solve anything and just lead to more panic. So, by the time we got to the handshaking break in the service I was falling apart again. (Sorry Cori if I freaked you out when you came over to give me a hug.) I was standing there trying, in between handshakes or hugs with others, to explain to mom just how I was feeling and what was getting to me and getting more frustrated because I just couldn't find the right words. I sat down crying, again, and at that point a dear friend of ours came over, hugged me and started singing, “I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a squeeze around the neck.” a song that my Great-Grandma Leone and my daddy used to sing to me and a wave of comfort and absolute peace washed over me. (When I told our friend later how much that song means to me, she said she had no idea she'd even been singing.) The songs that we sang for Praise and Worship were so spot on with where I was at and what I was feeling that I cannot believe that it was just a coincidence that they were the songs selected especially the song “Oceans (Where Feet May Fail)” by Hillsong United that says in the second verse, “Your grace abounds in deepest waters. Your sovereign hand will be my guide. Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me. You've never failed and You won't start now.”

By this point I felt much better. I was calmer, the flood of tears had subsided. The speaker, a visiting missionary got up and gave us the scripture 2 Timothy 2:3 KJV “Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” This resulted in my remembering a scripture from my absolute favorite book in the bible, James 1:2-3 KVJ “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” And, by the time church was over, I knew without a doubt, everything would be ok.

I woke up this morning, feeling good and then, right on schedule, the tentacles of fear started creeping in again. This time though, they immediately subsided. I knew then that I had to fire up the ol' blog and share my experience from yesterday. I had to share how amazing it is that God would find so many ways to provide comfort and reassurance to me when there are so many huge things going on out in the world. I know that everything will work out, I know that God has our situation in the palm of His hand and will see us through it. I still don't know how it's all going to be ok, I don't know where the rent that we're now past due on is going to come from. I don't know if next week I'll be writing the blog from the comfort of our living room or a van down by the river. And, because I am imperfect and only human, the fear of the unknown is still lingering a little, the “what if's” still spring up, but are quickly cast aside by my knowledge that God is bigger than all the “what if's”. God is bigger than any problem I face. God has shown me that he is aware of our situation and I know that He has a plan for us.

So, as I sit here trying to figure out the perfect way to end this post the only thing I can think of to do is once again turn to the scriptures and let God's word have the final say because it just can't get any more perfect than that. 2 Timothy 1:7 KVJ “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

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